Docksal 1.17.0 Release

Shelane French
Docksal Maintainers Blog
3 min readApr 23, 2022


And a very special release it is!

A little pre-DrupalCon gift just dropped — Docksal v1.17.0. This release now supports Apple M1 and Linux ARM64 architectures. That is just the tip of this iceberg of a release (albeit a very big tip for those that have been waiting).

Software Version Updates

Docker Dependencies

The Docker suite now uses new versions:

  • Docker v20.10.12
  • Docker Compose v2.1.0.
  • Docker Desktop for Mac/Win users are able to update to the latest Docker Desktop v4.4.2+ version manually (tested officially with build 73305).

VirtualBox version (to v6.1.32), which adds official support for macOS Monterey 12.3.

Image Library and Stacks

Almost all services in the Docksal catalog have been updated to use fresh multi-arch (amd64/arm64) images.

docksal/cli has been updated v3.2. When v3.0 was released in July 2021, it was the first to have arm64 support. However, users had to manually set the CLI_IMAGE to use this version. v3.1 released in Feb 2022 dropped PHP 7.3 after it was EOL in Dec 2021. v3.2.0 through v3.2.2 has seen more updates to included tools. From v3.1 on, terminus 3.x is included with PHP 8 support.

PHP 8.1 is now the default version in the default stack and in fin run cli

The Acquia, Pantheon, and stacks default to PHP 7.4 to match their configuration. However, even using those stacks, you can still override the image version that you use.

MariaDB 10.4 is now the default db service. It functions as a limited drop-replacement for MySQL 5.7, which does not have an ARM64 Docker image.

Notable Features and Changes

Cloudflare Tunnel

Cloudflare Tunnel was added as fin share-v2 command.

It’s an alternative sharing method to ngrok (fin share command).

Cloudflare Tunnel creates a tunnel from the public internet to a port on your local machine. You can share the URL with anyone to give them access to your local development environment.

Gitpod Integration

Gitpod can provide fully initialized, perfectly set-up remote development environment that helps people set up the tools they need to develop. The recent integration allows you to use the same Docksal tools that you’ve used locally, but now in the cloud.

Switch to the new base domain

We are deprecating the use of .docksal base domain along with docksal-dns internal DNS resolver. Follow the instructions to switch to the new public base domain:

Drupal 8 EOL

Since Drupal 8 is EOL, it is no longer offered as an option in fin project create. Drupal 7 (which is supported until Nov 2023) and Drupal 9 are still offered as options. The old Drupal 8 boilerplates have been archived, but are still accessible on GitHub.

Documentation Updates

It is always a goal to improve the documentation you need to take full advantage of Docksal. Several contributors helped make these updates to

  • Expanded docs around project auto start/stop features
  • Added instructions for installing an addon globally
  • Added documentation on composer memory issues
  • Reorganized and updated help sections in fin + misc updates in fin help
  • Added disk space issue to common issues
  • Updated MailHog docs
  • Added Github Actions build badge in
  • Added section on common issues for Apple MDM (Mobile Device Management) troubleshooting
  • Updated docs around disabling built-in DNS resolver (docksal-dns)
  • Added Cloudflare Tunnel (fin share-v2) docs
  • Added example on how to override solr service image
  • Added sponsor documentation

For a complete list of changes, fixes, and updates, see the release v1.17.0 notes on GitHub.

Thanks to all of our contributors, sponsors, and all of our users!!

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Any contribution is welcome!

Team Docksal

Docksal logo release 1.17.0



Follower of Jesus Christ, Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Web Developer, Singer, Guitarist, Faithful SF Giants and SF 49ers fan, and a Mac Enthusiast